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calendar    Aug 22, 2023

On Trend | Xena Intelligence

In this series of blogs, we breakdown the trends and predictions that have impacted Render Capital's investment strategy and portfolio. Today we'll be discussing Xena Intelligence and how their AI-powered eCommerce optimization and growth platform perfectly meets the moment of exponential industry growth.

February 2005 marked the advent of Amazon’s prime delivery service, an “all-you-can-eat” guaranteed 2-day delivery for just $79 a year. The launch of services such as Prime marks the dawn of what we now know as the eCommerce revolution. It wasn't until almost exactly 15 years later that the COVID-19 pandemic propelled  the modern convenience of e-commerce to the society-wide phenomena it is today. 

 The laws of supply and demand dictate that with an exponential increase in consumer’s demand for e-Commerce services, comes the explosive growth of online retailers and suppliers. This rapid expansion of eCommerce services created an additional demand for technology and insights accessible to businesses of all sizes, priming the market for Xena Intelligence.

Xena Intelligence, founded by Akhil Suresh Nair, launched their AI-powered eCommerce optimization and growth platform in 2021 perfectly meeting the moment of exponential post-COVID industry growth. Render Capital was first introduced to Xena Intelligence by way of the 2021 Render Capital Competition (Our annual startup competition) where they won a $100,000 investment. Today, roughly two years later, we are thrilled to have an opportunity to continue being on this journey as an investment partner with Xena Intelligence, who have demonstrated incredible scalability and growth. This is our first-ever follow on investment into a Render Competition portfolio company. 

Xena Intelligence’s ability to scale was just one of the many reasons Render Capital is excited to invest again. Xena’s consistent ability to deliver returns on investment without sacrificing the value provided to customers provides a critical advantage. As a Louisville-based company, Xena aligns with our geographic investment thesis and our goals to cultivate a robust local investment ecosystem. Xena’s success can not be separated from the incredible wealth of expertise and experience founder Akhil Suresh Nair provides. Nair’s background in the eCommerce industry, along with keen sales acumen, and solid engineering background is a demonstrably winning combination of experiences.

Render Capital’s recent investment into Xena Intelligence speaks to more than just the growth of the eCommerce industry - but rather a culmination of trends that Xena Intelligence has proved to use to their advantage. Consumer behavior as a whole is shifting. Consumers’ online purchasing patterns are increasing, increasing behaviors such as comparing prices, reading reviews, and the expectation of tailored customer experiences and marketing. This changes not just where customers purchase, but how and what they decide to purchase - creating a new opportunity for businesses to meet their consumers before they even know what they’re looking for. Xena Intelligence offers optimization tools that make the most of any size business’s ad spend, offering key insights companies need to meet their customers where they are in real-time. 

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